Welcome to EDO SYNTH, an interactive microtonal synthesiser which lets you create your own tuning systems and sounds. Here's an overview of how it works.
Two sliders determine the pitches of the synth. f0 is the lowest note of the scale and divisions changes how much the octave is divided into equal parts, hence equal divisions of the octave - EDO.
Two octaves of your microtonal scale are generated.
The computer keyboard can be used to play the notes. EDO SYNTH is a monotonal synthesiser, meaning only one note can be played at a time.
It is possible to record yourself playing and download it. Just click the record button to begin and stop to end the recording.
The drop down menu lets you choose an oscillator, or waveform. It determines the fundamental timbre of the synthesiser.
The 8 sliders are the audio effects. They each have a definition when you hover over them. You can click and drag the sliders or you can also MIDI map them to a device. Just click the map button then move the knob or slider on your device you wish to be mapped. The MIDI mapping is remembered when you return, you can also remap or clear it. Make sure your MIDI device is plugged in before you load the page.
Thanks to Rory Hughes for help with coding. And to the Screen Dive team for helping to realise this project.
f0 (Hz)f0 is the lowest note of the scale.
divisionsdivisions is how many times the octave will be divided equally.
oscillatoroscillator is the type of waveform which have distinct timbres.
attack (s)attack is the time taken for the note to fade in.
release (s)release is the time taken for the note to fade out.
modulationmodulation creates a noisier and distorted timbre.
reverbreverb is the effect of having reflections of the sound, it adds a sense of space and depth.
feedbackfeedback is one of two delay effects. The more feedback the louder and long lasting the delay will sound.
time (s)time is one of two delay effects. The sound is replayed after the time chosen.
lowpass (Hz)lowpass filter cuts out the high frequencies. The frequencies above the value set are cut off.