Tape-Delay Feedback System by Pauline Oliveros, realised by Daniel Mckemie

A browser housed tape delay feedback system, written in JavaScript and utilizing the Web Audio API, Web MIDI API, and NexusUI library. The delay system is a digital replica of one constructed by Pauline Oliveros and used in a number of her works throughout the 1960s and 1970s.

How to Play: Use the toggles (NOISE SOURCE/USER INPUT/WAVEFORM GENERATOR) to start making some sound! Once you have a sound, you can change and modulate it in various ways by using the SLIDERS.
Later, you can use the AUDIO RECORDER to capture what you have done.

Let's hear Daniel explain it to you!

Users may use their own MIDI controller and assign it to the proper CC parameters in order to gain more tactile control of the system. In addition, the user may elect to route their own audio through the system using the internal computer microphone or an audio/instrument interface.

More information on the system, its history and usage, basics of synthesis, and MIDI implementation can be found by clicking the buttons at the top of the page where the system is housed.